Privacy Policy
The data that you submit when registering for the conference and submitting your abstracts will be used only for the purpose of organizing and hosting International Bisexuality Research Conference events.
Details that you submit can be seen by the Bisexual Research Group Leadership Team and any administrative staff hired or volunteering to help run the conference.
As set out by GDPR, if you wish for us to delete your data at any point, correct an error in the stored data (e.g., the name of a co-author), or see what data we have stored, you may do so by contacting Taralyn Parr or any member of the Leadership Team, we are the controllers of the data. Please note that Google, Squarespace, and EventBrite are used to run the event registration, website, and email addresses and as such your data is processed by these companies.
After completion of the conference we will delete all stored data that you submitted on the online form (e.g. email addresses, names, institutional affiliations, other contact details, access requirements) unless given the expressed permission to store such information from you for a longer period.
Please note that certain exceptions apply:
If you choose to do so, you may opt in to having your email and name stored in a safe online depository so that we can contact you in the event of future online conferences or events organised by the Bisexual Research Group on the topic of bisexuality. This data will only be seen and handled by members of the Leadership Team and will not be sold or be made available to any third parties under any circumstance.
Emails that you send to the official conference email (bisexualresearchgroup@gmail.com) or any submission made via the SquareSpace contact form will only be deleted upon request.
Accepted abstracts and the associated author’s names and institutional affiliations will be made available in programmes, schedules, and the conference website. If you would prefer your name not be noted in these instances (for example out of worry for your own privacy, safety, or any other reason) we can also simply note the title of the talk or use a pseudonym on such documents and pages. Please select this option during submission or contact us before the 31st of August 202e indicating your wish for your name to be kept private on any public-facing communications related to the Bisexuality Research Conference.