Time | Stream 1 - PINK | Stream 2 - GREEN | ||
6.30am ET 11.30am BST 12.30pm CEST |
Opening with Julia Shaw |
7am ET 12pm BST 1pm CEST |
Panel - Invisibility and Visibility Chair: Ellen Davenport-Pleasance |
- Making the Invisible Visible: Experiences of Identity (In)Visible in Bi+sexual Individuals in Germany - Rahel Korinth (she/her), Sonja Bröning (she/her), Urszula Martyniuk (she/her) - Bisexual Erasure, Invisibility and Discourse Production: The UN Human Rights Committee’s Insistence on Mononormativity- Laura Grob (she/they) - How bi-erasure limits queer studies - and how we can overcome it - Alex Haydn-Williams (they/them), Sieve Bonaiuti (they/them) - Existent But Invisible: Bisexuality, Dichotomy and (Invisible) Stigma in Indonesia - Wisnu Adihartono (he/him) - Why Would French Youth Present as Bisexual? - Theo Ferroni (they/them) |
Panel- Bisexuality+ on the Screen and in your earbuds Chair: Lucia Tralli |
- I'm Bi, Actually: Combatting Bisexual Erasure and the Impact of Representation in Netflix's Heartstoppe r- Meret Jael Koch (she/her) - Euphoria in the Age of Pleasure: Bi+ Visibility, Futurism, and Joy in the Performances of Janelle Monae and Loreen - Sam Murray (he/him) - Bisexuality, the Nation, and the “Crisis of Masculinity” in Russian Audio-Visual Culture - Rowan Dowling (they/she)- - Invisi(Bi)ly Present: A Cultural Analysis of Three M-Spec Female Characters in Bollywood - Khushi Bajaj (she/her)- |
8am ET 1pm BST 2pm CEST |
Keynote Chair: Aurelio Castro |
Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli | ||
9.15am ET 2.15pm BST 3.15pm CEST |
Break | |||
10am ET 3pm BST 4pm CEST |
Panel - Bisexual+ Identities and visibility Chair: Taralyn Parr |
- Bicurious? No, bisexual! (Bikuriožna? Ne, biseksualna! )- Marinella Matejcic (she/her) - From Successful Visibility to Unwanted Exposure: Deconstructing the Visibility Binary to Expand Understandings of Bisexual Visibility - Marisa Tangeman (she/her) - The Intersections of Gender and Sexuality Among Bi+ Women in Armenia - Aida Marukyan (she) - Exploring the socio-semiotics of dress: what indexing identity looks like for bisexual young adults - Pauline Decorps (she/her) |
Panel - Bisexuality+ and the Arts Chair: Gabryelle Iaconetti |
- Telling Queer Stories with Site Based Theatre - Matthew Bobzien (he/they) - Bisexual Culture: An analysis of Bisexual literature reflecting the plurality of bisexual lives - Caroline Duggan (they/them) - Bi+ representations in pop media: Japan as a case study - Camil Valerio Ristè (he/him), Aurelio Castro (he/any pronouns) - Between Parasocial Activism and Pedagogy: Intersectional Perspectives in Presenting Bi+ Characters in Theatre for a Young Public in Germany - Alice Rugai (prefers to use name, but any pronoun is fine) |
11am ET 4pm BST 5pm CEST |
Comedy Introduction: Derek Sollberger |
Million Dollar Maybe by Robyn Perkins (she/her) | ||
11.30am ET 4.30pm BST 5.30pm CEST |
Panel- Bi+ Communities and Spaces Chair: Gabryelle Iaconetti |
- Bisexuality in Social Media Context: Mapping Connections Between the Communities Surrounding R/Bisexuality on Reddit - James Cook (he/him) - Creating a Bi+ Therapy Garden & Community Center - Carley Arnold (she/her) - Searching for Fakers: Creating Hierarchies In Online Bisexual Space Using Inclusionist and Exclusionist Ideologies - Sara Schmieder (she/they) - The erasure of male bisexuality within the LGBTI+ community - Marlon Santos (he/him) |
Workshop Chair: Taralyn Parr |
A Foot In Both Worlds: An Expressive Arts Exploration of Bisexual Experience - Jamie Marich (she/they) |
12.30 ET 5.30 BST 6.30 CEST |
Break | |||
12.45 ET 5.45 BST 6.45 CEST |
Roundtable - Bi+ Masculinities Chair: Derek Sollberger |
Sam Lawton-Westerland (he/him) Rob Cohen (he/him) Aurelio Castro (he/him) |
1.30 ET 6.30 BST 7.30 CEST |
Closing remarks | Bisexual+ Research Group Leadership Team |
Time | Stream 1 - PINK | Stream 2 - GREEN | ||
7.30am ET 12.30pm BST 1.30pm CEST |
Opening | |||
8am ET 1pm BST 2pm CEST |
Panel - Bi+ Masculinities Chair: Aurelio Castro |
- Bisexual father families: partners' and children's perspectives on bisexuality and family life - Maisie Matthews (she/her) - Bisexual+ Men, Discretion, and the Heteropatriarchy - Corey Tatz (he/him) - Bisexual Transgender Men in Queer Spaces: Navigating Identity, Relationships, and the Fight for Reproductive Rights - Alexander Danardanu (he/him) - Bi+ Men’s Digital Life Writing: Lived Experiences and Cultural Imaginaries - Mateusz Miesiac (he/him) |
Panel- Bi+ Communities, Spaces and Social Support Chair: Lucia Tralli |
- A call to bi asylum inclusion in LGBTQ asylum support communities and bi communities - Zeynab Peyghambarzadeh (they/them) - The Beach as a Queer Setting: Analysis of a Case Study from Italian Contemporary Cinema - María Emilia Muñoz (she/her) - Social Support and Mental Health in Brazilian Bisexual Women - Luiza Servino (she/her/ela/dela), Nicholas Robin (he/him), Vitória Pigatto (she/her), Thais Arnoud (she/her), Luísa Habigzang (she/her) - The Everyday Affective Geography of Bisexual Men of India through the Intersectionality of Caste - Victor Banerjee (he/him) |
9am ET 2pm BST 3pm CEST |
Meditation Introduction: Elen Davenport-Pleasance |
Oli Lipski (she/her) | ||
9.15am ET 2.15pm BST 3.15pm CEST |
Keynote Chair: Gabryelle Iaconetti |
Mel Reeve | ||
10am ET 3pm BST 4pm CEST |
Break | |||
11am ET 4pm BST 5pm CEST |
Panel – Activism Chair: Aurelio Castro |
- Italian bi+ politics beyond visibility: narrating the activism and research through a book - Aurelio Castro (he/any pronouns) Queerness and climate activism: using illustration to construct playful spaces - Devon Tipping (she/they) - Introducing the Bisexual Killjoy: The Revolutionary in You - Bailey Merlin (she/her), Lynn Rios Rivera (they/them) |
Panel - Bi+ Arts Chair: Lucia Tralli |
- From Binegativity to Identity Affirmation: Exploring the Bisexual Woman Identity Through a Heuristic Self-Study Utilizing Weaving - Kaylie Hatos (she/her) - Does the term “sapphic” make bisexuality among women more visible? - Soraya Cipolla (she/her) - Images of bisexual women in Japan: Mainstream media, YouTube and Scholarly Discourse - Camila Neira (she/her) - Loving Them Both: Colin MacInnes and the Complexity of Bisexuality - Kim Kemmis (he/him) |
12pm ET 5pm BST 6pm CEST |
Panel- Minority Stress and Mental Health Chair: Ellen Davenport-Pleasance |
- Biphobia as a Distinct Form of Minority Stress - Noam Mizrahi (she/they) - Bi & Borderline: An Exploration Into The Experiences of Bi+ Women & Femmes with Borderline Personality Disorder - Laura Clarke (she/they) - Bisexuals in Psychotherapy: "The Bi Cure", Experiences of Discrimination and Pathologization - Felipe Damacena (he/him), Luís Lima (he/him) - Interventions to Reduce Prejudice Against Bisexual People and Bisexuality: A Systematic Review - Eric Manalastas (he/él), Isabel Benjamin (she), Helena Blumenau (she), Em Shea (she/they), Brian A. Feinstein (he) |
Panel – Bi+ History and Archives Chair: Gabryelle Iaconetti |
- The absence of female bisexuality in mediaeval and early modern history- Anna-Lea Gisela Krampe (she/her) - BiArchivio : an Italian Bisexual, Pansexual and Non-Monosexual Archive - Tommaso Mori (they/he/she) Bisexual voices in early French homosexual movement : bisexual presence and invisibility in the Front Homosexuel d’Action Révolutionnaire (1971-1973) - Wohosheni (she/her) Greetings from the Archive: Bi+ Theorizing in Germany in the 90s - Samu-elle Striewski (they/them) |
1pm ET 6pm BST 7pm CEST |
Break | |||
1.30pm ET 6.30pm BST 7.30pm CEST |
Panel- Interdisciplinary Approaches Chair: Derek Sollberg |
- Bisexual Villain: Navigating Identity and Resilience through Poetry - Ross Victory (he/him) - “I always had a bit of bisexual in me, I just didn’t know it”: Exploring sexual identity development using the Klein Grid in gay/lesbian and bisexual adults in Southern Chile - Ligia Orellana (she/her), Abner Silva (he/him), Tatiana Alarcón (she/her) - Which Best Identifies You? Deconstructing Researchers’ Decisions on Sexual Identity Categories and Labels in Bi+ College Student Scholarship - Steve Lemerand (he/him), Kaity Prieto (she/her), Antonio Duran (he/him/él) - Full Circle - a coming out story - Irina Latis (she/her) - Valid (Bio)Diversity - Ale Garin-Fernandez (they/he) - Bisexual Studies in Dialogue with Continental Philosophy - Miguel Obradors-Campos (he/his) |
Panel- Relationships and Intimate Partner Violence Chair: Taralyn Parr |
- Lowering Intimate Partner Violence Against Bisexual Women: The Tools We Have and the Tools We Need - Amber Mclaughlin (she/her/he/him) - Bi-visibility and Bi-positivity within Monogamous Romantic Relationships - Lila Webb (she/her), Susan Boon (she/her) - Intimate Partner Violence, Biphobia and Mental Health: Bisexual Women's Experiences from Brazil and Italy - Thaís Arnoud (she/her), Valeria Bruno (she/her), Clarissa Freitas (she/her), Jessica Pistella (she/her), Roberto Baiocco (he/his), Luísa Habigzang (she/her) - Narratives of Bi+ experiences through Zulu marriage rituals - Mpumelelo Zamokuhle Zulu (He/Him/They/Them) |
3pm ET 8pm BST 9pm CEST |
Poetry and Closing |
Poetry Reading by 2024 Lambda Award Winner in Outstanding Bisexual Poetry - Danielle Cadena Deulen (she/her) Robyn Ochs Closing remarks by the Bisexual+ Research Group Leadership Team |
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Attendees at all events, activities, and programs by The Bisexual Research Group seek to learn, network, and enjoy themselves, free from discrimination or harassment.
This Code of Conduct affirms the positive and constructive behaviours to which The Bisexual Research Group aspires as a professional and scientific society. It also details how to report inappropriate conduct.