The Bisexual Research Group

Working towards understanding, visibility, and inclusion.

We are a group of researchers, educators, and activists working to better understand the bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, plurisexual, queer, fluid, and unlabeled experience.

Upcoming events

  • Bi+ Archives & History

    02.26.2025 - 1:00-2:30 PM EST/7:00-8:30 PM CET

    a discussion with bi+ activists and researchers
    with: Robin Franklin, Tommaso Mori, Samu/elle Striewski
    chair: Gabryelle Iaconetti (BRG Leadership Team)


2024 International Bisexuality+ Research Conference

The conference will feature works from over 50 unique scholars, activists, artists, and community organizations and will include keynote speakers, roundtable discussions, presentations, interactive workshops, poetry, comedy, and more!

This event will provide a positive and safe space to share our communal insights and experiences on bi+ identities. Our mission is to continue to help foster the global bi+ community and improve our collective path toward better research and bi+ liberation.

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Meet our team of international and interdisciplinary researchers

In 2021 we were awarded an Independent Social Research Foundation grant for our project “Bisexuality Today: Understanding Attitudes, Protective Factors, and Risk Factors for an Often Invisible Sexual Minority”.

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